Saturday, July 6, 2013

Pennsylvania Vacay day 5 & 6

Day 5 Thursday June 20
Today we mostly stayed at the farm, other than a run to walmart and Wrestling practice in the evening.  Sis and I tried to clean the house in the morning while the kids played.  During the Walmart trip, Carter displayed his five star aim and Hunter displayed what a fabulous jokster he is!  Mark was the lucky recipient to a "head on" kick that left him hunched over.  Hunter asked the produce man if he could tell him where the Depends were located.  Hunter did it totally straight faced and serious as ever.  The produce man, about 40 y/o was doing his best to answer straightly... yeah it didn't work he stuttered and after he turned around he was def laughing.  Then Hunt asked a man in electronics who was about 20 if he could tell him where the yeast infection cream was located.  He couldn't but his coworkers were highly amused.  After we left walmart we decided what would be more fun than pranks at Burger King!?  Aunt Missy and her van load went through requesting a Fat free burger.  They don't have any so she requested a Fat Free chicken.  Again nothing so she had to ask "What do you have fat free".  They said nothing, so she couldn't order anything.  Mark wanted their buffalo wings with barbeque.  Oh darn they don't have those.  So he ordered a cup of water.... and at the window added 5 more because it's fun and they were so turtle slow and unfriendly so we had to.  Then we bought a $1 fry.  I don't think they appreciated our business?!
At wrestling practice during warm ups, the coach included the visiting kids in races and piggy backing.  Then while the big boys (Hunter and Parker) did their practice the other kids played ball, ran/walked laps, wrestled the football dummy, played on the bleachers and played I spy.
For supper we had steak, corn and noodles. 
For dessert we started our new family tradition that WILL be repeated.  We did a joint birthday cake complete with tons of candles we lit and everyone blew out to signify the birthdays we couldn't celebrate together at the time but this was our joint birthday celebration!

Day 6 Friday June 21
Today was an early morning!  We left the house at 7:30am to make it to the dmv for sis to renew her Driver's License and get a new photo taken.  All were impressed with her weight loss since her last photo.  Then we went to Mrs. Smith's Bakery for sticky buns with peanut butter icing!  I got way too many as usual and they have since been frozen for a future perfect delight.  I also bought ALL of their raisin filled cookies.  These are snacks you can't get ANYWHERE else, so it IS ok to go WAY overboard!
After that we headed to Quaint Corner Children's Museum and explored the big museum house--- all 4 stories of it!
After that we went to the mall and enjoyed our favorite place in the food court, Sun Japan's teriyaki chicken with mushrooms!  We did some bargain shopping for the kids for the upcoming school year at the numerous $3 sales.  I even found Jayna some great uniforms at that price which would NEVER happen at home in VA.... not to mention no sales tax on clothes!  Jayna got far more than me or the boys.  Uncle Mark watched them at the indoor play area while Aunt Missy and I browsed 2 stores.  Then Missy and all but Will, Ant and Jayna went to get Justin's paycheck.  We headed to Penny's.  Will picked a Steeler's shirt, as did Jayna and I.  Anthony wanted a Ninja shirt with some funny saying. 
Afterwards we all headed back to the farm.  We had chicken tenders, fried zucchini and perogies for supper.  Dessert was your choice of left over donuts or cake. Then the kids played outside on the fourwheelers and trampoline while sis gardened.

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