Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The Journey to a Healthier ME

Most people repeatedly tell me I'm not fat and don't understand how I feel fat or like I need to loose weight.  But I believe this is because I have been blessed with good health and metabolism for most my life and a non-sitting job was also helpful. So the fact I ate like crap and drank buckets full of sugar made little impact on me.  But then I quit my on my feet job and got a lazy office job.  It made huge differences.  And although I may not LOOK plus sized, I was; and when you compare it to the fact I gave birth and wore a size 4 that same week or the fact I only changed 2 pant size from prior to Anthony's pregnancy all the way til 2012-- 8 years and 2 pregnancies for me it was fat and lazy.  And then when you do a percentage I had gained 50% more weight than I was used to weighing most my life and 29%of that increase in just 3 years!  That is so unhealthy and although others may not all agree if they went from weighing 200 to weight 300 in a handful of years they would feel the same about themselves as I felt about myself.
March 2012 (well before I disliked fire clearly 😜) right after I quit Burger King RGM, but with a very legitimate smile!
I have always said I'd never diet... and I proved that as I continued to gain weight, initially gradually... i have noticed I have nearly no full body phots so thisnis the best I can do.
Spring 2013

Spring 2014
By this point I was also failing my oral health and no more full smiles

Spring 2015

Spring 2016
It was fall 2016 when my friend Wendy and I started attempting to walk, more so for her and I tagged along.  She wanted to loose a little before her wedding in Spring 2017 so I was all for it.  We walked 4 or so evenings a week, but then life got busy with kids activities and our work schedules working overtime and after a month or so we were rarely exercising together, and I was back to lazy me,  I was always eating unhealthy.
During my first brief stunt of trying to be healthy-ish
By this point I was a size 12, quite the jump from my 6s of Burger King, 8s shortly after Burger King.

Spring 2017 and the weight gain was very obvious with my protruding stomach even in a size large shirt
The month before I caught on fire Nov. 2017
January 2018, still recovering and even with eating very little, bedrest and reduces activity was not kind to me

Winter 2019

Spring 2019
I knew I was fat. I knew I was unhealthy.  I wanted better but I wasn't motivated.  By this point I was a size 14 comfortably although I could squeeze into a size 12 but was very uncomfortable.  My shirts had all gone up to 1XL.
The last week of March one of the house keeper's at work who saw me in passing basically everyday asked me if I was pregnant or if I just had a baby.  Had I been quicker on my toes I should have said Malakhi was born in January.

Malakhi, Jayla and I in March 2019
 But, I was caught so off guard I didn't have a slick come back and I knew my weight gain was clearly out of control, no questions asked. I was emotionally crushed.  It is one thing to feel a way about yourself, but it's another level when others notice what you feel.  I got off and slept my Saturday away in self pitty, knowing tomorrow I am changing.  And, tomorrow I changed!

I started off at 10,000 steps a day 5 days a week. I never failed on my goal.  I typically exceeded it.
After 6 weeks, I had lost 2 pounds.  Not impressive, but I wasn't stopping.
 I can't remember for sure when I upped my goal, but my next goal was 12,500 steps 5 days a week.
visiting Nana and Papa in WV- still walking!
 The most exciting part of my fitness journey has been the motivation it gave my friends to join in.  Alisa was the first to jump on board about a month after I started, and she's impressed me!  She was probably the most out of shape of my friends considering she doesn't work outside the home and spent the previous year pregnant, many health issues for several years including fibermyalgia, and she is usually stuck at her trailer in the country, no establishments in walking distance 5 days a week as her husband works and they only have one vehicle.  But she refused to allow that to be an excuse.  Initially she could only last a few blocks with me when she came to town, and that was ok!  Everyone has to start somewhere!

Malakhi, Alisa and me
Jayna, Jayla, Alisa and me (Malakhi in stroller not pictured)
 On days they came to town, we walked together.  On days I went down there we walked her old country road together.  She literally started from no exercise to being able to do 5miles with me by the 3 month mark!  She slowed down once school started for Jayla but even til Dec she'd join me in walks when she came to town!
walking with my bonus babes

Jayla, me, Malakhi and Alisa hit 12,000 for the first time together

Next was my friend Tanya and her 2 girls.  They chose to join me in walking for a while (May- June) a few times a week, usually to Kroger and back, so about 2 miles.  Her 2 younger girls also joined me in longer walks on the trail or extra walks in my neighborhood. (Tanya doesn't like her picture posted)

Alayna walking with Jayla, Malakhi and me

Neighborhood walk

Then in July Wendy and her boys joined in for a while.  I kept her boys while her oldest was in band camp so they walked and hiked with me each day!
shadow art with Wendy and our heard of kids

Hiking liberty Mountain 

Neighborhood walks are for photo ops!
I was really surprised when Brandy joined in on this crazy walking, healthier eating binge!  We stuck with it until it got dark early and then it was difficult to walk together.  Her boy wasn't the biggest fan but Peyton was and still is eager to walk... unless she falls asleep first.

After 3 months, I had only lost 5 pounds, but had gained a lot of stamina.  Even with the disappointing scale results, I was sticking to this!
In July work started a 100 mile challenge- to walk 100 miles over June, July, August.  Well I made a different goal when I signed up and wanted 100 miles in 1 month.  I'd say I did well!
200 miles in the month of July

Then came my hardest life change at the 4 month mark at the end of July, not walking but WATER DRINKING-- and NO MORE extra sweet tea!  I wrote this when I began that task:

I'd like to claim I've lost that 20 pounds. But I haven't. However, I have stuck with it. I have walked 677 miles and growing!
And this week even AFTER just buying 56 bottles of my fav tea on sale I have given it up and traded it for 64ish oz of water a day. Fear not it isn't gone forever but until I can learn to drink water like apparently I should. Honestly although only 3 days, no craving and just determination!
This is still a long slow process but it's for good! And now my friends are choosing a healthier lifestyle too.

I never drank any of those 56 teas!  The kids did, but I didn't have any ever.  As of now 11 months in almost I have had  2 partial bottles.  The last one was in November and I no longer liked the taste.
My other bucket list item I conquered was I walked every bit of every Lynchburg Parks and Rec trail, and in only 2 weeks!  Another big accomplishment was I walked to the grocery store instead of driving all summer and fall long 95% of the time.  If I needed an item asap obviously I'd drive or if I needed something from Walmart since it's further but mostly I walked to Kroger and carried what I bought home.  Twice I'd have to call Anthony to meet me half way (which always at best meant he'd meet me at the top of our street) because the bags got too heavy.
Krogering for health

Then in July I went crazy and decided my new goal would be no less than 7.5 miles every day.  This would allow me to walk 500 miles in 3 months!
On the 28th of July I walked a half marathon!  On my summer bucket list I had written a really far fetched idea of walking 10 miles in one day.  I conquered that in June.  So I hit it up a notch and did 13.1 miles one day after work!

By the end of month four, I had lost 10 pounds at last!  Then it got impressive AT LAST!  I lost 10 pounds in August alone, for a 20 pound total loss over 5 months.  It may not look impressive, but my main goal was to become healthier.  Loosing weight was just an added benefit.  I had gained stamina and energy plus motivation and conquered exercise, portion control, limited sweets and drinking plenty of water over a five month span and that surpassed the excitement of the scale!

5 Months into my Healthier Me Journey
In September I joined the local gym to work on some strengthening type workouts.  Initially I said if I lasted with fitness a month, I could join.  I never did because I ended up enjoying walking a lot and being outdoors regardless of weather or where I was at.
after the storms knocked down trees on the trail- we still walked--- although it made it more challenging with a stroller!

I've consistently walked 2 miles a day on  my 30 min break at work, even in the rain!

Anthony and I at the gym
Gym selfie, although I don't much like the gym and haven't succeeded on going enough long term.  I definitely prefer to be outside walking not inside sweating.

By the end of September I achieved my goal and didn't miss any mileage of the 7.5 miles every single day.  Most days I did even more. 
12 out of  1900 people in our city with a total of 669.26 miles July to Sept

My emplyer took 1st place on total mileage out of all the companies.  However the average wasn't even 100 miles per person!

I took 3rd in our company out of 203 participants!
 After the 100 mile challenge I cut back to 4-55 miles a day from October thru December, and I wasn't too hard on myself if I took a day off from hitting my mileage goal, doing only half that once a week was ok for me now that life got busier with school and Jayna's play practices and basketball for Anthony.
After Christmas I realized how big my clothes were on me.  My Aunt and Uncle gifted my some Christmas cash and I easily fit into size 8 jeans.  I could have probably squeezed into a 6, but 8 truly fit properly. 

Since I don't yet know where this health journey will lead, I only got the one beloved pair of jeans and a new belt since all my work pants fit like this:

At the end of January after 10 months I had lost 35 pounds total.  My final goal is to loose 5 more pounds to reach back to the weight I was about the time Wendy and I thought about getting healthy in 2016, before her wedding.  At 5'11", going back to my 120 days is unlikely after having let myself go for so long. But going to a healthy BMI and weight has been life changing.  If you asked my 1 year ago I'd tell you it was never going to happen.  I had saved my smaller sizes for years but finally ditched them after the fire knowing it was never going to happen.  I has accepted I'd let myself go and choose laziness and food over shrinking back down in size.  I wasn't motivated enough.  I was lazy with my health in every way.  If I don't loose a single pound more I will continue with this health journey, 5 miles a day as long as my body allows.  My body did force me to take a month off courtesy to a stress fracture.  But, I have truly reached a new level because even with minimal exercise all month I haven't reversed on the scale and I can still be healthy beyond just exercise! 
But Monday I get to stop wearing that air cast and I will be back to my crazy walking self!  I've missed it so much!  It may initially be uncomfortable, but I can get right back on track and make and achieve new health goals.  In fact in November I did just that.  I made a new health goal I'd told myself years ago was a lost cause and I have faced my fears and am working right towards that as well, but that will be it's own blog, in time!
One of my favorite Healthier Me Memories

Friday, February 14, 2020

The last 24

The most brief, vague update possible, covering 2 years so I can be caught up and feel at a comfortable spot to regularly blog again.  This was on my summer bucket list, but it never happened.  So 6-9 months delayed but here it is!  I hope to be back to blogging.  Goal is 2x a month, starting after this!  I started my writing goal small.  On my summer bucket list was also mailing my grandparents 2 letters a month and I succeeded and kept it going ever since summer too, so I am hoping   So here goes something or nothing, we will know soon enough!

Feb 2018:

Back to being able to visit Jayla's house after my first week back to work!
Anthony's kind of birthday we went to Texas Roadhouse per his request: Mom and Dad's final birthday photo

Georgie and Phyllis joined

14th year official

March 2018:

Another visit to see Jayla and fam

I got my boys a haircut!

I took dad and the kids on a movie date to see I can only Imagine

weekly Jayla visit

more time with some of my favorite kiddos

Anthony's belated bday meal at Alisa's

celebrating Mashed Potatoes bday

belated bday celebration for Payden

Anthony got the defensive player of the year this season for basketball. Mr. Billy and Mr. Mark were his coaches
in honor of Mrs. Kelly's daughter Shannon & Uncle Mark's gf Regina

most of our gang

Alayna's birthday

April 2018:

Easter with Jayla

Easter basket for mom I made her

Mom jokingly told me to make the kids cleaning Easter baskets... so I did!

Toby Mac concert at LU

April 12- I took mom to have her permanent drain placed so she would no longer have to leave the house.  It was 2 days before this I knew it wasn't good.  She asked her nurse if she would make it to Jayna's birthday (10 days away).  She still wasn't doing that bad minus fluid build up in her abdomen at that point and the nurse said she thought she'd be here beyond the traveling nurse's contract which ended in May.  I called all my siblings the next day as I knew for her to ask that, it had to be worse than she was letting on.
The same day as I took mom for that procedure Jayna and Anthony had a soccer game I chose to miss because my mom didn't want me to leave until my dad got home.  She thought he would be home soon.  She was acting very out of character, so I stayed until the last minute I could wait before picking the kids up after the game.  Jayna had got hurt during the game but they thought it was minor as she went back into the game and finished it.  This photo was taken the next day.

My brother and his wife came to town as did my sister and her kids that next day for the weekend.  Mom slept most of the weekend away.  I realize I am not posting photos of her much in these blogs as I know that would have been her request as at this point she looked sickly.

Even with family in town, we visited the ortho center and her ankle was broken

April 17th mom died.  We held her service April 21st.  We requested people to wear mom's favorite colors.  Dad wrote an amazing obituary.  We worked hard on planning her memorial service.  Zach and Rebekah stepped in to spoil Jayna as this put a major damper on her birthday.  I am still grateful for their role with my kids and this is just another example.  Below is Dad's speech he did for the service.

May 2018:

Making mom day gifts with Jayla. 
Making Teacher Appreciation Week gifts with Jayla

Celebrating my bonus neice Shania's 18th birthday
Mexican, then ice cream for Shania
Took some of my favorite kids to see I can only imagien

Jayna's soccer award: Tough man
Anthony's soccer award

Indian Pow Wow

Jayla is officially a 2nd grader

May 24, Alisa told me she was pregnant

May 31 we surprised Jayla and Cory with the pregnancy announcement

Anthony's award. I wish I knew the exact title of it but like Christian Character-Community building award. All 6 teachers vote on who it would be.

After 8th grade graduation

June 2018:

Nana and Papa treated us to a visit to Ace's new water park!

Our 1st summer vacay, a trip to Nana and Papa's 

Hunter's grad party
Quickest visit ever bc I can't miss my nephew's HS Graduation 
Father's Day in Pa
Father's Day in Pa


Our favorite VBS: Tristan's 1st time!

A visit to Wendy's dad as a belated Dad day visit

July 2018:

Our favorite firework turned 14, Alonza!

Fun day at Alisa's with a lot of the gang!

4th of July celebration at Thomas Road with Alisa, Brandy and kids

The sprinkler station at Thomas Road

Celebrating Alonza's bday at the Salem fair

celebrating Peyton's 2nd birthday

Jayna's summer highlight was Nana Jan taking her to visit cousin Kierra and family at Kierra's dad's near VA Beach.  Jayna absolutely loves Kristi, Dwayne, Kaysyn and Kierra.  Here she is pictured with Kaysyn.
Jayna at Busch Garden's with kierra

My July highlight was our first pictures of Baby "Kahuna"

Spending band camp weeks with these boys

A birthday visit to Daddio, Wendy's dad

August 2018:

The way I honored mom's 1st birthday in Heaven was with "Kindness rocks" simply painted with the word Joy: a dual meaning!

paint night for mom's birthday weekend kick off.  Also a dual meaning as we vacationed at that Light house in 2015 with mom.  What luck mom's birthday weekend paint night would be of this!

We did a family outting to Mister Goodie's for mom's birthday.  Addi was easily the highlight.

Summer vacation 2018: WV State Fair where Zach and Rebekah met up with us and we got to see a Mercy Me concert

Dad's 40th Anniversary gift: a huge scrapbook I made him

visiting with Dwayne, Kristi, Kaysyn and Kendyl at the beach

Virginia Beach

Jayla starts 2nd grade

Anthony grade 9, Jayna grade 7

a hiking adventure with water fun with dad after a weekend of yard work together at his house

September 2018:

I ran up to PA for the wweekend to see my nephew off for Basic Training as a Marine!

I dropped Hunter and his friend off at the Recruiter's station before I left town

Visit with Jayla's family

Hospice Remembrance Service is held 4x a year for patients who died that previous season.  We postponed mom to the following season bc we weren't available for the summer service.  Dad and I attended.

Remembering Grandma Pam's birthday

Park day with Jayla

Community Service w/ Jayna's school, cleaning up Camp Blue Ridge

Gender reveal ultrasound
It's a BOY!!  Baby Kahuna is a BOY!  Let the name game fun begin.  On Sept 22 his name became official. 

Corey, Alisa and Jayla's 1st time shopping for baby Kahuna-- at Kid's Kraze with me!

Parker's Homecoming!

October 2018:

Mercy Me concert in Charlottesville, VA- for Dad's bday

Suicide Awareness Prevention walk with Dad: year 2

Desmond T. Doss 5k

My Halloween babies

Trick or Treat with most the gang

Jayna, Alayana and RyLee made Ghost Buster costumes

November 2018:

4H camp with school

Pastor Alonza is amazing with the kids and equally good grabbing the easily distracted adults attention- like me!

Night Hike

Jayna with 2 of her favorite roomies

supporting Alonza at his football game

Dad joined his church

Sabbath Education Saturday

December 2018:

Our traditional Community Market Christmas visit

Christmas visit with our favorite Leesville church friends

Celebrating Tabi's 14th birthday

Andrea's choir concert

Tabi and Abrianna's band concert

some of my favorite elves

Jayna's school Christmas program

Jayna's best friend came to the program and gave Jayna a sweet homemade piece of art

Surprise visit from our favorite Floridian Wrestler: Jesse

Christmas sing a long at Jay;a's school

Celebrating Jayla's birthday a pinch early as not to have to postpone, not knowing when Baby Malakhi will arrive

January 2019:

Jayla is 8

It's baby time: Jan 16

He's HERE: Jan 17

Our first whole group visit

Malakhi Luka-Layne; Jan 17,2019; 9lbs 15oz; perfection

Jayna introducing her baby brother to some of my favorite boys

family time

February 2019:

supporting Andrea in her school play

Jayna's talent show performance: American soldier in sign language

Anthony's allergy test: he's allergic to everything outside, dog and seafood

Anthony's 15th year celebration: bowling

fancy cupckaes when you are 15

He bought himself some anime dvd

I took him to Texas Roas House

March 2019:

Poppy took us to a concert: Casting Crowns

World MS Day: a shirt and tattoo in honor of mom

World MS day

RyLee's adoption day birthday

Malakhi's 1st snow

Supporting Dunbar and Tab- Tabi's soccer game

Anthony's hoddy from Grandma Pam

Jayna before Sabbath Education Saturday

Marko playing phones with Zariah- Jayna's babysitting job

Spring break anyone?

Mister Goodie's opens

Took Jayna to make pottery

Another family visit.  DNA holds no higher value than love

At CiCIi's to celebrate Mashed Potatoes birthday

Cool Pie shirt she made for Pi day

Happy Birthday Mashed Potatoes!

April 2019:

eye dr apt for Malakhi-- his dr thought he may be blind, I don't!

I got to hold him for the entire exam and I was so impressed with the dr and all his ways to check his eyes

Jayla and I went to a tea party with my church lifegroup. I was so happy to take her to a place my mom really loved

My first borns- biological and not so much

Jayna's soccer game... again ended badly

Tendonitis they say... but that it is very uncommon as a result of one single incident they say...

Father Daughter date!

1 year without mom

Happy Easter to my bonus babies

My 4 gifts

Anthony and Jayna's Easter baskets
Jayna's 14th birthday party at Lacaretta

signing Jayna's birthday shirt

Jayna's 14

Tristan's Birthday

my $500 shopping spree I shared with my dad

May 2019:

Mom's Mother's day gift: Hair donation

Trip to Zach and Rebekah's came with a bonus train ride from Baltimore to DC

At Zach and Rebekah's

At DC zoo with Rebekah

crafts with Aunt Rebekah

Rebekah, Zach, Steeler, Jayna and Anthony

Our new neice over a month early: Deijanae Ra'Monie Demoss

What a difference a year makes?  Celebrating the end of 2nd grade out to eat with Jayla and family

June 2019:

WV visit to see Nana, Papa, Uncle King and Aunt Chris

That's 1 expensive cat!  But we barely managed to save his life!

Nana and Papa gifted us a new experience: the coal mine museum

Tabi's middle school graduation party

Father's Day weekend trip to PA


Night 1: VBS Leesville Rd Church of God

Night 1: VBS Leesville Rd Church of God

Night 1: VBS Leesville Rd Church of God

Night 1: VBS Leesville Rd Church of God

Night 1: VBS Leesville Rd Church of God

Malakhi's 1st time swimming

He slept through 6 month shots

Poppy with most his grands

We've added a new one to our gang: meet Mike

4th of July celebration at Thomas Road

July 2019:

Look who's visiting!!!

Our favorite Alligator Wrestler

Jump Fun

Jayna with her boyfriend and baby  bonus cousins

Sprayground fun

Bandcamp week means I get my boys

Peyton turns 3

Sprayground fun:Peyton

Sprayground fun: Tristan

Malakhi giving me kisses on videochat

August 2019:

WV State Fair with my hero: Smokey the Bear

Toby Mac concert at WV State Fair

Bike riding at VA Beach

Family vacay 2019

Jayla starts 3rd grade

Anthony starts 10th grade

Jayna's 1st day of school with her BFF and her at the same school for the 1st time

Jayna starts 8th grade

Jump with Jayla, Tristan, Malakhi and Jayna

My babies after church, beauties

Jayna meets baby D

September 2019:

school pictures make me laugh

Angela's baby shower

Grandma Pam's birthday

Pictures with my 2

October 2019:

Suicide Awareness Prevention Walk year 3 with Dad

Mercy Me concert for Dad's bday

meeting Micah Tyler

Dday field trip with Jayna's class

Bridge Day fun

Play Auditions at Renaisance Theater

Haunted House at ACE

mall fun with Tristan and Peyton

Pocohantas and her favorite Raccoon friend

This trio is amazing

Baby Beckham is born Oct 30.2019!  Well done Angela!

November 2019:

Lunch Dates with this one include random stops...

Like Mike is 14!

Malakhi full of crawling happiness at Basketball sign ups for Anthony

Got my little lady her winter coat

who doesn't need a sloth hug?

Thanksgiving meal with my bonus babies

Gilbert family Thanksgiving

Clark family Thanksgiving, year 2!

Thanksgiving in WV- Cousin fun

an evening visit with our favorite County Clerk before his retirement

Cousins Ryan and Anthony

December 2019:

hoops with Uncle Mark and Poppy

Her performance: Night 1

Christmas Community market fun

Family photo on our new coush

Jayna as Alice

Jayna with director Jeff

Dad's Christmas gift from mom via me and his checkbook (Thanks for helping Donna!) a clean house!

Visit to Poppy's to see the grinch

The start of my week off work

Jayna loving her Christmas Gifts

Marko with his neice

Baby D

Anthony with all the parts to build a gaming computer

post Christmas visit to the Escape room in WV

Visiting Nana, Papa and our WV family

Some of our WV fam

Final Father Daughter 2019 Photo

January 2020:

New Years at the Gilbert house- complete with smores

Opening Chrsitmas Gifts from us

I took her to her dentist after our sleepover.  Another 6 mos cavity free!

my happy baby

Sea Quest visit from me for their birthday

little cat lovers

Tabitha's pregancy gift: Mommy's future musician

Our 1st solo adventure

Jayla's 9th and Malakhi's 1st birthday party at Cici's

RyLee and Jayna's sleepover with Gigi and Poppy (aka Mrs. Jeannie and Mr. Rick, RyLee's grandparents)

Helping Georgie and Mrs. Phyllis move

February 2020:

More baby sitting fun with this trio

Babysitting when Tristan's at school

It's official she needs surgery

Jayna's buddy Dei'Dei went with Jayla and I too see the Diary of Ann Frank play at Dunbar

Jayna and Tabi with baby J went to Dei'Dei's Robinhood Play at His school-- and Mashed Potatoes wanted in my picture!

January and February have been basketball filled for Anthony

Chick Fil A fun with my bonus babies-- Malakhi was having so much fun playing with me through the tunnel window in the play place

picking locks with Marko