Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Adventure Club 2015

I'll never catch up so the two blogs I had been working on I gave myself permission to be a quitter and just get current.... which I dislike skipping over stuff, but I  never feel like blogging when I get so far behind, so here it goes.

On May 21st we had Adventurer Club graduation.  Jayna is in Adventurer club.  I also bring Will,  Alexus, Diamond, Tabi, Mateo and pick up another little girl that goes to the kids school; Zaynique.  Although the pick ups and drop offs and business of the 1st and 3rd Thursdays can be crazy hectic, I have loved it.

When I agreed to have J go to Doss last year, at open house night I learned about Adventurer Club.  I had always wanted my kids to be in girl/boy scouts, but it never worked out that way and this was like scouts for both genders and add some biblical principals.  But what REALLY sold me was when I asked the leader if it was only for school kids.  She was eager for me to bring the kids friends.  I doubt she imagined by year 2 of club 6 of the 15 kids would be in my group!  But they've always been over the top accepting and loving... and giving.

This past year I have been a co-leader, helping with planning, and some behind the scenes stuff.  It's been so much fun.  So it was extra crushing to hear this may be the end for Adventurer club as the two leaders kids graduated and they will move on to the next age group.  I would be a leader but since I'm not a church member I can't.  Hopefully it somehow works out and I can keep co-leadering.  My gang of kids and Jayna will  be so bummed if this is the end for good.   I haven't missed a meeting in 2 years and it is possible that I may get even more into Adventurers than the kids do ;-)

For the ceremony, Pastor Mike lead us in prayer.

The kids performed their pledge, law and song.

Then we recognized each child who completed their grade level in club.  They earned several patches on their sash and a pin for every year they did club.

 We recognized our 5 graduates with a new bible and Adventurers tote bag.  This may seem simple.... until you realize this bible was the very first bible for at least 2 of the 5 and to them it was a big deal!

Then we did the Award Certificate.  I had chosen each child for a specific Adventure Club award and a brief paragraph on them.  I also got them a books of the bible pencil, bookmark and a picture of their self that went with the award they had been chosen.  I didn't want typical award like in school--- most helpful, best listener, blah blah blah because I feel they leave too much potential for hurt feelings and this is supposed to be fun and build their self esteem, not the other way around.
When Alexus joined Adventurer Club she had never said a prayer and didn't know how.  Mrs. Melanie taught her.  Soon Lexi was always eagerly volunteering to pray and adding her requests to our Prayer chart.

All the kids were assigned to learn about a salt water and fresh water fish and two facts.  But Amiah went way above and beyond, coloring us a picture and even making us a puzzle to put together

Ariel was impressive with her flexibilty skills, effortlessly doing the tumbles and headstand and then this amazing bridge!

Diamond was happiest when she was helping out w/ kitchen duty.  She skipped a game to help make dessert while on our fall camping trip.  Then when we learned about Tanzania and cooked food from that country she had the hottest longest task and patiently stood and stirred her rice!

I always new the athletic artictic DJ.  But at our spring camping trip I saw this sweet caring side to this animal lover

Early on this year we learned Isaiah was timis, quiet and afraid of dogs,  But by our spring camping trip we found a brave Isaiah crossing a log over top the creek,who was happy and vocal and he also fearlessly held a toad we found! 

Jayna was happiest around the fire, and usually shoeless.  She happily would poke at the fire until an adult stopped her.  She even had smores for breakfast the final camping trip morning.

We learned Jewell had the great ability to focus even in sticky situations when she built a great gingerbread house complete with 4 walls and a roof, unblike most of our other friends!

Levi was knowledgeable on fish when our special Pet Smart guest came he knew many of the answers to her questions as well as other animal related topics we learned about this year 
Logan was caught on the waters edge every spare moment he had on our spring camping trip; most of the time with a fishing pole. He was also kind enough to share his pole and teach other friends the fishing basics.

Mateo is constantly happy and his smile contagious!  He eagerly joins in and tries anything we do

Miko was assigned breakfast at our camping trip.  One of her duties was slicing apples.  Mrs. Melanie initially helped her and then she was on her was to safely and accurately slicing alone!

Natalie introduced us to this slimy friend while camping.  And in true Natalie fashion she helped other catch their own newts and shared hers too so everyone got a chance to hold it.

Sage and her partner conquered canoing!  Most the other campers struggled following the course and making it back and needed help from the rescue canoe but Sage followed the directions and with her partner effortlessly guided their canoe along the path quickly too!

Tabi was always quick to volunteer and help read our bible verses, stories or lessons!  She has been a great help and I can easily see leadership qualities in her already.

Will made the best beard at our Christmas meeting which fit our jolly ole guy, who also happened to notice and let us know the one time we skipped our adventurer club song.

Zaynique joined us late in the year but she wasted no time fitting right in making friends and being a good friend

After the ceremony we raffled off our three fish and they found their forever home with Mateo, Miko and Ariel.  Then we all enjoyed ice cream sundaes!