Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Do they know?

Life changing sentence right there.  I am not the overly emotional lovey-dovey huggy type.  Not even close.  I used to be far more talkative, outgoing and confident but, even then I wouldn't go out of my way to hug someone or say I love you at the end of a conversation/day; with the exception of my kids and husband, or as we prepare to leave my grandparents house or my sister or brothers house.

But do the people you value truly know you value them? Have they heard your praises?  Or at the end of the day at the funeral is that the first time you openly admit the impact that person has made?

Jayna's (now former) teacher suddenly and unexpectedly died the last week of July.  At merely 50, relatively heathy, seen by a Dr, so no real medical neglect either all of the school family and his friends and family were basically blindsided by his sudden death. Unlike a typical school we are a very small school with genuine relationships.  There isn't the fear factor of having a genuine personal relationship at school and away from school, online, trips together, outings or hikes or what not.  Far beyond what we've experienced in a public school teacher and student/parent relationship. 

Pastor Mike, a very close friend came to town to lead his memorial service at the school level. (Kid friendly next step of closure, but not his actual funeral either) As friends, parents and students spoke regarding their memories of him and the impact he had made a question/statement was asked/states by Pastor Mike.  I can't remember the precise wording, but to the best of my memories....

I don't know if Mr. Cooper really knew how much people cared about him.  I'm not sure he realized the impact he was making and how loved he was.

Do the people in your life really know you care about them and love them?  I'm typically a (corny) gift giver.  I try to show my love and appreciation through gifts and a simple note or an applicable bible verse (not typically personalized, although written or typed by me).  But I don't know in all our conversations and texts if I ever told him his importance and value on my life.  I know I thanked him the past two years buy did he view it as a traditional it's teacher appreciation week obligation or did he really know and accept the value in how God was using him.  All this to simply say, do the people you value know it? Your colleagues, your medical team, your daughter's best friend's mom, your extended family, your teachers, your son's coach, your pastor, your accountability partner whether weight loss, spiritual, AA sponsor, whomever you value, do they know it?