Saturday, June 29, 2013

Pennsylvania Vacation Days 1 & 2

I have been counting down the days for weeks to head to my sister's farm.  You would think I was off to Disney with my countdown, but no because my magic lies within my family.  (Although, for the record Disney would CERTAINLY be my 2nd choice pick for vacations)
My little brother Mark and Anthony's good buddy Will joined the kids and me for our After a long 6 hour drive, we made it to Aunt Missy's.  All the kids started off shy.  That is rather typical.  But it quickly wore off quickly.
Sunday- Day 1: Hunter went to his Cadet Camp Interview with Aunt Missy.  They got back about 45min or so after we arrived.  The kids played games and on the trampoline, and in typical jayna fashion, she asked to color and Aunt Missy had the perfect stash!  We had WORLD FAMOUS Best Way Pizza for supper.  This may seem to be "super simple" pizza, but I absolutely love it--- minus the pepperoni which I pick off.  In deed this is the ONLY place I will pick pepperoni off pizza.  It is very affordable, but even better it holds many fond memories for me.  An award in elementary school for attendance and grades were Best Way certificates.  Dad would take us and we got to play pinball.  He I am sure is still the world reigning pinball champ.  So unfair his 25cents lasted WAY longer than my dollar.  This was our preferred beloved location.  After supper, we exchanged gifts and then Aunt Missy took Jayna and I on a nice walk along with Carter (CJ) and Hunter. 
Jayna, CJ, Missy and Hunter

Feeding the cows
picking wild strawberries

Mud puddles

CJ catches a ride from big brother Hunter

The kids finding Clams

Anthony's self made water gun
Hunter holds CJ who is getting "too cold"
Will and Roxy
Monday-Day 2: It started off slow, leisurely breakfast, no alarms, just wake whenever, trampoline fun and visiting Foxy the horse.  By late morning Missy, Mark and I were sitting by the pond at the kids played in the filth, errr I mean water, of course.  It's amusing since I used to love pond swimming when we lived beside the former reservoirs turned swamps, but in my ancient aging mom self-- I am apparently too old for that type of pleasure now.  It took Will a while to get comfortable but he did.  Parker, Anthony and Jayna were water babes without any hesitations.  CJ and Hunter were more reserved and got bored of the water but still sat nearby or on the dock.  The others found 11 clams.  It was getting quite hot and Missy wanted a break from some extended family turmoil so we decided to go to Walmart get some picnic foods and hit the Ebensburg pool.  We had a great time at the pool, using their slides especially.  CJ, Tucker and Will also thoroughly enjoyed the shallow play areas.  This thoroughly tired out the kids.  we left nearing 6pm.  Anthony fell asleep while supper cooked.  Most the other kids enjoyed outside trampoline play.  Jayna spent part of that time coloring.  We had a delicious meal of shake and bake chicken, noodles and corn.  After supper for dessert we made popcorn, and I don't mean in the microwave and we got to choose our own seasonings of choice.
Anthony pushes in Will as the boys giggle
Beth slides
Mark slides
Will slides, and I catch him
Jayna Slides
Hunter and Tucker
Parker splashes
Missy and Hunter race

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