Friday, June 28, 2013

Kid's Say

After Marko showed Jayna a picture of a sky scraper type building from his recent business trip to Chicago.... she exclaims "It's a HI-scraper"

Jayna told me the other day when she wanted something another and I was saying no... "but I am absolutley adorable!"

In the car while driving Anthony noticed a Garage sale sign.  Obvioulsy I have neglected to share my love of yard/garage sales with them thanks to busy schedules mostly.  Anyhow he read the sign and I asked him "What's that!?"  and he thought a minute and asked "How are they going to move their garage to sell it!?"  Jayna quickly piped in with the accurate meaning.  Anthony still was not completely convinced.

Ok this would almost be funny, if it wasn't so picture perfect of kids.  I let Anthony stay at home for 10 minutes while I ran to the top of our street to get a milk.  I came home and used the bathroom.  And I heard Anthony call my name.  I say I am in the bathroom.  He says "Can I get a hug when you come out?"  I have to remember and treasure moments like this because they are fading and happening less and less.

A friend witha initially timid two year old babysat my two for a few hours tonight.  When dropping A and her daughter J off
A: did you have fun?
Jayna I had a lot o fun, but she played us (Jayna, Anthony and Alonza) out!

Anthony after picking him up from summer camp:
me: What was your favorite thing at camp?
A: The zipline and archery.... And NO shower all week!
The water at camp was broken so they had a potable water truck came but there wasn't enough water for showers, just toilets, hand washing and cooking.

While Anthony was at camp I wanted to do some fun things with Jayna, bowling, swimming, etc
Her reply was "But it won't be much/as much fun without Anthony" every single time

I wish I could remember all the so many others I hear, but it is impossible.

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