Saturday, August 24, 2013

Shoe Shopping

As a kidlet, I fully remember back to school shopping and loving it.  Mom would take us.  School supply shopping was very different back then.  Our elementary teachers provided all the bare minimums: paper. journals,8 crayons, pencils.  BUT Mom spoiled us with extras.  The of course needed Lisa Frank folders and pencils, the mandatory big box of at least 48 crayolas--- Roseart didn't cut it but even more preferable and twice or so I got the 64 pack pf crayolas with the built in sharpener--- that worked about as good as using your teeth to sharpen the crayons, but hey it was there!  A vast majority of my clothes were hand me downs in elementary.  But I do remember getting new shoes and loving it!

Now a days here, there are specific school supply lists right down to the required color of notebooks.  The wear school uniforms.  There is very limited room for individuality and fun in my opinion.  I don't love school uniforms regardless what reasoning I hear for it.  The one thing the kids can pick out and there are no specific rules on- shoes!

We went to oh so (read too) many shoe stores in search for the perfect shoes and the best deal.We comparison priced to ensure we got the shoes they really wanted at the best price.  Anthony was insistent from our shopping trip's start that he wanted Nike's and not high tops and preferably some neon or flashy color(s).  These were his top pick at a decent $55.   He is a whopping size 11 in men's at the "ripe" ole age of  9 and 1/2 years old!   Anthony's shoes were actually from our first store.  But true to Anthony form he is not excessively picky and doesn't overly care.  His three requests were made in this pair of shoes. 

We continued in search for Jayna's perfect chosen school shoes-- 9 shoe stores and nothing was really what she wanted.  She could care less about name brands but I think they last longer, are more comfortable so worth the price difference.  To Jayna the ONLY requirement is that it must stand up to her idea of fashionable which often includes some type of sparkle to it, but not always.  Typically her choice fashion wear also isn't the most popular but it is her own style.  I love her individuality and how she is fearless when it comes to being one of a kind.  We ended up getting her a pair of shoes she had seen the first week of July from Wal-mart.  She had remembered them for over a month and nothing in 9 other stores could top it.  She just fits a size 6.  This will be her last time buying shoes in the girl's department.  Hopefully her feet don't grow too much because I did buy her these shoes without growing room, knowing her fun kiddie shoe option days are over after this pair.  Her shoes cost $16.97.

 I sorted all the kids' clothes, hung them and donated the ones they outgrew back to Sheffield, hopefully to help a struggling family.  The kids still had plenty of clothes remaining so I didn't need to buy any additional ones for the most part.  I bought Anthony a few pairs of shorts since he didn't have many.  Once we learned Jayna's school uniform policy was a pinch more lenient in shirt color, I had to find her some girly colors: shades of pink. 

Fully ready for school, supplies bought, pack packs packed, clothes hung, new shoes chosen, everything ready... except this Mom who likes all this free time with my kids, doing things, going places, cuddling as we sleep in late, having fun whether with simple everyday stuff or complex excitements.  But it must come to an end and their education continue on.

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