Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Jayna's first week of school

Jayna's first day of school came well before Anthony's.  Because when you are 8 or 9- a week is like a month-- even if in that week you will only attend two days!  Jayna started school August 19th.  It was actually perfect timing and I am glad it started a week earlier than Anthony.  By it starting sooner, I was able to take her to school and be fully involved in her first week at her new school.  Otherwise I would have been working my crossing guard fun and would have missed it all.

Jayna clearly stated she was not at all nervous, but was quite anxious and excited.  We packed her lunch the night before- yogurt, cheese, nectarine, crackers and granola bar in her new Littlest Pet Shop lunchbox and filled up her bottle with lemonade.  She had to have her nails painted after he bath so she'd be stylish enough for her first day.

On Sunday night I told her it was bedtime and there was no argument.  She was so excited she went straight to the couch, covered up and zonked out.  Yes I realize most kids would/should be in their beds but since big bro didn't have school he was staying up later and we didn't want him disturbing Jayna so he was happily killing zombies or climbing buildings like Spiderman on his PS3 upstairs and she was peacefully asleep.
Monday morning she got right up and only changed her outfit twice.  For her, the fashion diva, that was impressive to only change twice.  She went with khaki's and a pink polo and her new beloved shoes.

I made Anthony tag along and we hit off a bucket list item and our tradition of a special breakfast on the first day of school.  We tried out the new donut shop.  They were quite friendly and even gave the kids a free donut hole to try along with their donut of choice.
Amusing donut decor--- read closely

 We arrived at Desmond T.Doss Christian Academy just before 8:15am so had to wait in the car for a few minutes.

We went inside at 8:15 and  unpacked her backpack and organized its contents as instructed by her teacher Mrs. Jeannie.  Then she went to the hallway and found her cubby area and hung up her backpack and jacket and put her lunchbox and drink inside the cubby.

I picked a very excited Jayna up along with Anthony.  It was mandatory that Anthony and I meet her best school buddy: Tootie

 We also had to visit Radar too, but being a tad crowded I didn't catch a picture.  However courtesy of Mrs. Jeannie's blog, meet Tootie close up and Radar.

Jayna loved school, especially learning all about Christian the Lion, taking pictures with Tootie and making new friends-- most of whom she couldn't remember their names, but just the same they were all her "friends" already on day one!  She was bummed Tuesday that "the network or something was down" so we couldn't watch the movie about Christian the Lion.  Fear not, daddy's network at home is not down--- she will watch Christian the Lion :-)  And so far, that really has been her one and only complaint--- ok that is a lie... complaint #2 being forced to practice addition facts of the week at home with me.  I'm such a mean mom.

Jayna only attended the first two days of week one.  Being that her attendance to her new school is so sudden and a last minute decision, we already had our beach trip planned and payed for so we all still went to the beach.  That combined with her love of day 1 and 2.... this has got to be the best first week of school ever!

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