Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Jerry Falwell Museum

I had visited the JFM back about the time it opened, near Dr. Falwell's death in 2007(ish).  It was a great collection of church family history, Lynchburg history and the power of prayer and God working through one many who would never give up.
The kids when I asked then who Jerry Falwell was, didn't know.  Anthony said "Isn't he a guy who writes books".  That is a true statement on him, but Anthony was also convinced he had read his book at the Library.  Although I assume our Library has them, I can assure you Anthony has yet to read his (adult, Christian) books.  I explained to them that JF was Pastor Jonathan's dad and that he had started our church, was the paster at our church for a VERY long time and had also done their baby dedications.  Anthony then remembered seeing a picture of Uncle Mark with JF.  Anthony is correct.  So today we knocked going to the JFM off of our local summer bucket list and we even got to go to an extra- little known to non LU people- DeMoss building attraction as recommended by one of the Museum volunteers.
Cars Jerry's family rode

Jerry's dad had a pet bear named Gertie, so this pet bear is the museum Mascot

The bullet proof pulpit from the old Thomas Road Baptist Church

Anthony and Jayna at the pulpit, complete with Jerry and the choir

Learning about the earlier tv days using the switchboard and video camera equipment

With Anthony's 2nd favorite animal

The kids with the LU mascot Sparky

Uncle Zach and Aunt Rebekah, we found you!

LU Alumni around the world, with the kids pointing to their favorite non-local LUers

 We went up to the 5th floor and up onto the roof which is now a Patio!  The kids were especially enertained by the drummers practicing 5 stories below us IN the fountain pool.  The Patio has two layers, one in which is mostly shaded by an upper patio.  We could hear louder drumming and could tell it wasn't from or friends below.  On the highest part was also a group of drummers drumming!

The white at the hill top is Snowflex
The Vines center doesn't look so gigantic from this view
Drum practice

Drum practice minus the zoom of the camera

The big drum drummers are on the left hand corner of that white patio

You can't barely tell there is anything up on that rooftop--- but the roof,  from the ground

Jerry Falwell Sr's resting memorial

The kid's couldn't resist especially after seeing the drummers
And what adventure can be complete without visiting Mr. DeSagher at the Snow Shack?

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