Thursday, August 21, 2014

Camp Hydaway

The kids both were able to attend Camp Hydaway this summer.  Initially there were no vacancies and each was put on a waiting list.  Then at Easter at a Spring Carnival at the school I do crossing guard at I won a week of day camp for $45 in the silent auction for Jayna to attend.  On Sunday while we were in NYC I got a phone call that a spot opened up for Anthony.  I had cruddy reception so mom and dad dealt with all the packing and details and got Anthony to camp Monday morning.

Anthony had 4 days and 3 overnights a camp.  He seemed to have a good time although he said he didn't know the kids.  He was slightly hungry thanks to his pickiness and disliking most meals.  His main complaint was they wouldn't let him take the swim test til the last day meaning he could only be in the kiddie area.  He wasn't there the 1st night like everyone else who tested.  That is disappointing.  I surprised him when I picked him up by bringing one of his 2 best friends Alonza along!  This would be the boys last overnight for the summer as Alonza was heading to NC to see his dad's side of the family for the rest of the summer.

best buddies reunite and are all smiles

Unfortunately due to a rain storm the closing camp family picnic was canceled

 Jayna went to Camp Hydaway 8:30-4 the same week as VBS #3.  She was less than impressed by most of it.  Her highlights included playing with Ally from school on Day 1, and then fishing and paddle boats with Tucker on most the other days.  She didn't have any friends in her cabin and said there were two mean girls.  She asked me not to make her go back, but I still did.  To top it off she was supposed to be dropped at church afterwards.  On day 1 they left her at camp.  On day 2 they argued with her about getting on the bus when Jayna insisted she is to go to church.  They called me at least so she did get on the bus to church.  It wasn't a winner of a week.

Jayna on the final pick-up of the week--- I think it equals out to 3 out of 5 stars--- the thumb is not up or down
  I'm guessing this will be their last year of Camp Hydaway after not overly enjoying it this year... but we shall see.
Anthony's Cabin Group Picture

Jayna's Cabin Group Picture


  1. My youth camping experiences weren't the best, either, for many of the same reasons affecting your son. Wow, a second blog by Beth in one day, yay!

    1. PLEASE don't get used to 2 blogs in one day lol. That being said all my youth camping experiences were awesome so I'm bummed they aren't as lucky.
