Today's Theme was "The Call" featuring the Bible story of SaulDay 1 with our gang |
Each night the kids were given a memory verse to learn and they'd get a coin to buy a goodie at teh Country Store.
For all have sinned and some short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 |
Today's theme was "The Sacrifice" featuring Jesus, the Ultimate rancherAll the kids from VBS on night 2: Tuesday
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Matthew 28:19 |
Today's theme was "The Armor of Christ"You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Romans 5:6 |
Today's theme was "The mission" recruiting others for Christ
Today's theme was "The Reward"- Heaven
Large group time was led by Mrs. Bethany who narrated the skits while her lovely sisters and fellow members acted. Then Mrs KK led the singing while Mr Todd and Miss Brittany played the instruments.
Large group time |
2-4 y/o at Rec |
Early elementary at Rec |
9-12y/o at Rec |
12 and up at Rec |
Snack time of course was a hit--- and I can't mention how many time I heard preschool and early elementay kiddos ask "How much longer until snack!!" But just giving the kids gold fish and grapes wasn't good enough--- they too had a western theme. Too bad I didn't manage a nightly photo, but check out the cowboy boot rice krispy treats and the cowboy hat cupcakes
Then to top it off there was a Sunday Service geared around VBS complete with a delish meal together. This may seem like no big deal but almost all the kids I brought are unchurched-- and low income. This VBS took place the last week of the month-- know what that means to a low income family? Minimal food in the house and snacks aren't an option. The church prob didn't think about that, but they were filling bellies and souls.
Over the course of the week, they had 52 kids at VBS. The biggest single night had 43 kids.
Preschool hadd 11 kids, 6 with perfect attendance
Junior class had 12 kids, 6 with perfect attendance.
Pre-teen had 19 kids, 9 with perfect attendance
Teen had 10 kids, 4 with perfect attendance
12 decisions for salvation were made!
Brittany, thanks for the invite and we can't wait to meet again!
Busy Beth, better late than never, on this or any blog; it's always good to be busy about God's business :)