Wednesday, May 22, 2013


This blog will be short and sweet, I'm tired.

I feel like I am getting flabby and fat, and it's likely true.  Kinda pathetically amusing that I was more fit working at BK the world capitol of fat.  Anyhow, because my will power sucks I am not going to lie to myself and claim to make dietary changed that will last a week.  I want to eat whatever I feel like whenever I feel like it and wash it all down with plenty of super sweet tea and mountain dew.  True story.  But I don't need to be lazy.  I enjoy some exercise.  Not stationary exercise though, so the odd of me "toning up" are about a -7 chance out of a 1 and 10....
However I do attempt to jog/walk 4 5ks a week while the kidlets bike along.  Truth be told, they certainly slow me down, but 1.  they enjoy coming along, 2. it's healthy for all of us and 3.  I go at dusk-dark so obviously can't/won't leave them at home by theirselves and Marko is nearly always working.
On Friday I bought my first pair of shoes in 3 years.  for $30 down from $100 they aren't bad.
*ignore the calamine lotion for the bug bites that is smeared on my leg and dripped on my sock.  These are my new shoes.  I'd rather have had orange ones, but cheapskates who want decent name brand running shoes can't be choosy. 
I am "in training" for my first race.  It's actual a virtual race meaning, I won't physically be running at the exact same time/place/path as other runners, but we are all running this charity race

If any of my (non-existant ) readers want to join in, it is for a great cause and you get a medal of participation!  Sounds like a win win right!?  HERE'S SOME MORE INFO AND YOU DECIDE...

Brief Description

A virtual run means you run your favorite route, then, on race day(s) visit the web page and log your run. Through the Hole in the Wall Gang, 100% of the proceeds will support Hole in the Wall Camps, which serve seriously terminally ill children. Run for fun, run to make a difference!

Additional Information

Registration Includes: Finisher's Certificate Custom Bib Tech Shirt Finisher's Medal (for both 5kers and Half Marathoners). Prizes for top male and female runners, and tons of raffle prizes!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the cheapskate running shoes club! Mine look similar to yours and were marked down to $20 from $50+ for being super-smurf-blue, haha.
