Friday, October 11, 2013

Going, Going, Gone

Anthony and Jayna have (mostly) enjoyed doing cross country this fall.  Mostly is due to a very busy schedule-- sometimes they'd rather have a break.  However, in our household you start what you finish unless medically not possible.  Jayna may have taken that far to literally (Haha, kidding) and managed to get herself out of cross country...
Jayna's first X-Ray

Jayna has a sprained ankle.  It is likely from twisting her ankle last Thursday, but then it was re-injured Tuesday at school.  I took her to immediate care after work Tuesday.  They did XRays and determined it's just a sprain and torn ligament as opposed to broken.  She's supposed to rest, take children's tylenol as needed and ice it.
Anthony was allowed to run in the final cross country meet!  Technically Cross Country is for grades 5-12.  However any age can practice with them and then join in some meets.  On Wed 10/9, Ant ran his first (and ironically last for the season) meet.  He was a bit thrown off.  He is used to just running with his team.  All the other runners and their various abilities threw him off and he wore himself out for sure doing his 2.1 miles.  He finished 5th in his team and 19th over all (3 teams were competing).  The Girl's team won 2nd and the boy's team 3rd.
MOST but not all of our boys

Over half way

Anthony was extremely worn out at the end, but he finished and did well!  Poppy, Grandma, Jayna, myself, a friend- Alisa and her daughter Jayla came to watch him.  Way to go Ant man!  Cross country meets are now over.  However they will continue to practice 3ish days a week until Thanksgiving in preparation for a 5k at Thanksgiving.  Ant will do his 5k a week earlier since we have more important Thanksgiving day plans (WV bound!)

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