Monday, October 21, 2013

Birthday Weekend

Happy Birthday to me!  29 it is. My Friday night was spent in my very favorite way: babysitting my littlest love and his big sisters and of course in the company of my own two kidlets!
Just as I was headed to take Tristan and the girls back home, Uncle Alden had made it to mom and dad's so they came to pick up the kids who had rather impatiently been waiting.  I can't remember the last time Uncle Alden came to town, but I am rather certain it was prior to me having kids.  I of course had to go work 3rd shift at the answering service from 11pm-8am. 

When my boss came in she had gotten me a birthday gift!  Way too kind.  The day before my beloved watch of 5 years had died on me.  I had wrote my sorrow-filled story on facebook the day before:

"Time sure is moving slowly... my poor beloved (very worn) watch died on me today (maybe a battery or maybe the whole deal!?)... I haven't gone a day without a watch in so very many years. This is really effecting my habitual time checking... must get a new hobby or the watch fixed as soon as possible... I choose the watch or else I can't check the time every 10 minutes...."
Saturday, it was rainy when I got off.  Soccer was cancelled about 8:40.  After notifying families, I headed to dad's for my (absolute favorite) birthday breakfast: Apple Pancakes!  I had hot tea with it, another favorite.

Around noon we went to the National D Day Memorial in Bedford.  Uncle Alden is a history buff.  He had hoped/planned a weekend of local historic sites.  The government shutdown narrowed our plans so he only could do this one since it is privately owned unlike the other sites he also wanted to see which were closed.  The kids were GREATLY bored, but such is life.  The did succeed in embarrassing me with their boredom rowdiness, but I can't blame them too much... they did good for over 1/2 the time.  The weather was drizzly and overcast so there were nearly no other visitors.  A good day for us to go considering haha.

After the memorial we headed home, but stopped at Wendy's for lunch on the way.  That too had good memories of many a times in West Virginia with my cousins and Uncle and Aunt at Wendy's.  It was all our favorite fast food place and we frequented  it often.  I enjoy reminiscing and remembering a great childhood full of extended family.  Once back to mom and dad's the kids and I headed home so I could get a three hour nap before going back over for supper. 

There was also dead animal but this was my birthday supper.  After supper we watched Finding Faith.  It ended just in time for me to head back to work for third shift.  I worked 11pm-8:45am.  I rushed to pick up Joyce and kids for church since I had gotten off late.  I got to my 9am volunteer position just 2 minutes late.  After church we had lunch at mom and dad's before Uncle Alden had to head back home.  It was a short trip, but a great birthday weekend!
I grabbed an a nice nap before third shift, and that was my birthday weekend. 
Here is my beloved birthday gift.  I had to exchange the watch my boss got me for one that was water proof.  Afterall you can't be a time watching crossing guard who works in all types of weather without the water proof feature.  I am in love with my newest... ok only accessory, other than my three rings- wedding, engagement, and a random gift one day!

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