Saturday, January 16, 2016

Pre-Christmas Celebrations

Christmas for our family began the day school let out of course.... well rather the day before with Anthony and Jayna's Christmas play at school.  It was quite the ordeal each year and surpasses expectations especially when you realize Jayna and Anthony attend a rather small Christian school for prek-12 with only 8 (I think PreK has an aide, but if not then it's only 7) full time teachers and two part time staff to help with the highschool and secretarial needs.  The good news is none of my kids broke a bone this year (Anthony broke his arm the year before that day at school... and his awesome mom still had him do the play.)  The bad news was on Wed, day before the play Jayna managed to nearly completely loose her voice and she was a very main character with lots of lines  so 1.  there was NO day before practice for her and 2. her wonderful mother over dosed her on hot lemon tea with honey, which she far from enjoyed. 3. was devastated she wasn't allowed to even try and talk, and Jayna is a talker!
 Grandma Joy rubbed her with frankincense at bad time and miraculously she was a squeaky mouse which was certainly an improvement by morning and she had a voice by the time school was over. Aunt Rebekah came all the way from Baltimore Thursday to see Jayna's play!  Plus we had Nana Jan with cousins Kierra and Cale, Grandma Pam, Grandma and Poppy of course, and friends Tanya, Andrea, Adrianna and Alayna in addition to Myself, Angela and Jayla of course.

no broken arm this year= smiling boy

The main characters at the end of the play

 My oldest brother Zach and his wife Rebekah kept Jayna and Anthony from Friday until Tuesday.  Sadly Ang had to back out of going at the last minute, after her Uncle died as the funeral was that weekend.
most of Ang's family

sisters for always regardless of the situation, the love shines brightly <3
Our next Christmas celebration was far beyond belief.  Jayla was chosen to be the sponsored angel child at the local church we do VBS with.  They went way above the bar spoiling her, so much in fact that most was saved for her birthday, because I keep equal gifts at the house for each child and I had already bought each child equal gifts.  But at church she did get to open a few of her gifts and was more than happy with her Frozen goodness!  I am still speechless on how loving, accepting and hands on this church has been with me, my kids, and however many neighborhood kids I bring each year.  It isn't even about earning vbs prizes, it is showing many children a type love they otherwise wouldn't see.  Thank you so much our COG friends!  You have immensely blessed a lucky 5 year old this year and I have loved seeing such a happy little girl be so blessed by such a loving church. (although this yr they did incorporate prizes for the first time at vbs.  I actually prefer prizeless vbs celebrations to avoid hurt feelings).  We got to watch their wonderful, sweet Christmas play about the commercialized meaning of Christmas vs the real meaning of Christmas and then we all shared a delicious meal together.

Jayla sat on my lap during the play

 Every year we sponsor at least one family for angel tree whether at the mall or specifically picking a child or family we know and Jayna and Anthony were bummed we hadn't done it this year, but with 4 children in our house and Marko and I going from a family of 4 to fully supporting a family of 8, I didn't feel we could do more than a donation to the food bank, some red kettle donations.  Luckily Uncle Zach and Aunt Rebekah took Anthony and Jayna with them to pick out their angel tree donations!  perfect!
 When they got back Tuesday, we had our little Christmas that Tuesday; dinner at the Olive Garden and gifts at home.

After telling Uncle Zach and Aunt Rebekah goodbye, we went home to open a very special delivery!  That's right Aunt Missy, Uncle Justin and the boys gifts to us had safely arrived from Pennsylvania.  My sister fully understands the importance of having my four kids being included and of course all four kids along with Marko and I had gifts and we had a family gift too!

Our family gift was PERFECT!  More art supplies so our family time together will continue!

When you have a family, the size of ours Christmas suddenly becomes big.  Then add in That two of the kidlets also have bio family to visit and now it is huge.  Surprisingly my employer gave me Christmas Eve off.  We started our rounds by taking Angela to deliver gifts to her sister, brother, Nannie and Poppa.  We had confirmed with Nannie and Poppa that this was ok and the timing was fine.  It isn't that picture perfect vision you may have in your head, but I tried to include all of her family into her Christmas.  Sadly this was a short but sweet very awkward start, but just the same she learned the joy of giving even if you don't receive.  No pictures for various reasons including I don't post others photos without permission and it was very short and sweet and over so not much of a photo op.  When we went home it was time to bake Baby Jesus' birthday cake and to do our Gingerbread Village Elbert the Elf had given us.

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