Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sabbath Education Sunday

(Again out of order, because the next blog in order is long.... and I'm not feeling a long blog right now.)
Last week was Fall Sabbath Education Week at the kids school.  On Saturday the ended the week with Sabbath Education service at the Lynchburg SDA church where the students performed the church service.  These services are things I now look forward to each year.
They started with Special music from Sage (2nd gr) on the keyboard and Ian (6th gr) on the piano.  I was pretty far back, it was crowded so I missed some picture ops, and others have some lovely (baldy) heads in them--- but it was a great service.... and now for the pictures.

the sweet Kindergarten-2nd Graders singing  Kumbaya and  then a song with the hand bells

Then the big kids (grades 3-8) filed in and took stage to sing Come now is the Time to Worship

Then all the grades joined together to sing Thy Word

This was an extra special Sabbath Education, as two of our students were getting baptized.  First they had to go through what it meant to be baptized and agree to it with Pastor Mike.
Then as they prepared to get baptized, we did the offering and Anthony was one of the ushers to pass the plate.  Look at him try not to smile ;-)
 We got to witness Grace and Jay be baptized

We had a slight pause in our service where wonderful Mrs. Kelly perfectly improvised with her piano playing skills, until Grace was dry enough to participate in special music
Our service was mostly student taught.  Some days Mr. Billy can pass as a student anyways, so yeah totally a student taught message and done so on a level the students could understand correlating the bible lesson to a real-life type story.
Mr. Billy, Desmond, Ian and Alex

We had our closing song, sung by all the kids.  Amusingly Anthony previously had said "It's some song I don't know the name of about slaves"... The song is "Make me a Servant"
We had a prayer over Grace and Jay before our service let out

As is the norm, the members of the church spoiled us with a meal after church.

1 comment:

  1. It's so nice to see your children involved in God's service, as you've given a great example by being there for them, Beth :)
