Monday, November 24, 2014

Pathfinders Community Service

Anthony graduated from Adventurers Club last spring and started Pathfinders this fall.  I only vaguely know what goes on there as that is about the level of details Anthony provides me with.  However, for their community service project they needed to have additional meet times, so I was able to get info!

They started by collecting paper bags from grocery stores.  My favorite Kroger is likely very glad we are done with this project as many times as I hit them up for bags.  After the kids race last weekend we headed to the Lynchburg SDA church.  I was hoping we'd get there in time for church but it didn't happen and I'd prefer to not attend things than to attend late.  So we sat in the parking lot, walked around the perimeter of the church and repeated a few times until we saw church was over.  Then I had Anthony (somewhat reluctantly) meet up with the Pathfinders.  His shyness and the lack of kids his age make him more hesitant.  Luckily his best buddy DJ stayed and did the project, even though he is a yr younger and not in Pathfinders yet.  The kids ate lunch and then they drove around the neighborhood delivering the empty brown paper bags with a note requesting non perishables and letting them know we would be by in a week to pick up the bags if they had anything to leave them on their porch.  Jayna, Will and I returned to pick him up at 3:30ish.

This Saturday we did make it to Sunday School and church with no time to spare... down side of working 3rd shift is trying to get places on time w/ kids on weekends.  We enjoyed Ms. Kim's Sunday School Class, a lesson on Nehemiah a game of balance and then bible Bingo.  The Church service was especially unique and heartfelt.  It was a Prayer, Praise and Healing Service.  Afterwards we all shared in a pot luck lunch. 
After we ate the Pathfinders met and went out to retrieve the bags of food.  They were so find and allowed Anthony's friend Alonza to join in-- as it is very rare to have a weekend w/o a friend sleeping over in our household.  I stayed and helped clean up the lunch area.  As is always the case it was especially nice to spend some time with Mrs. Melanie in between cleaning up and the kids returning. 

I think they did well with all the food they collected, and best of all they all seemed to enjoy collecting it from the houses!
The whole group of Pathfinders who collected/sorted food (there was also Alonza and DJ not in pathfinders who helped)
sorting the foods into piles (breakfast, soup, meats, veggies, fruits, rice, pasta, dessert)
Mrs. Melanie and I made up two boxes for two families we knew who would certainly benefit from a box of food.  Mrs. Melanie also donated 5 turkeys.  My kiddos and I delivered the first delivery of 2 turkeys and a box of food on my way to third shift.
On Sunday late afternoon we delivered the next box of food and two more turkeys.
I found out about a third family who was extremely low on food.  So I asked Mrs. Melanie if we could give that family the 5th turkey and she said yes.  I bought them enough food to last until the end of the month when I went to Kroger that evening.  My mom-in-law also donated a bag of potatoes.  It truly is a group effort and I am so glad to know these three families I personally know will have full bellies for this week! 
1 turkey, 4 bags of food, 1 bag of potatoes and a gallon of milk

I love how the kids school and church teach them to have a heart of service and giving.  It was equally neat when we delivered it to watch the kids excited to carry the bags, boxes and turkeys.  I hope they continue to show compassion and a willingness to serve others forever!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog on giving; keep the blogs coming, Busy Beth :)
