Monday, September 1, 2014

Good Bye Summer

My favorite season is over, regardless what the calendar reads.  Because, all wise people realize summer is not indicated by a temperature or a date on a calendar but by the last day of school until the first day of school, for that is when summer really is.
The only fun part of back to school is spending a paycheck on all those needed items.  Ok Honestly, I am NOT complaining as the kids supply list decreased dramatically.
For third grade city schools list is 51 items-- and no that doesn't include backpack, lunchbox, agenda
For fifth grade city schools list is 54 items.  At their school they only had 12 items on Jayna's list and 26 on Anthony's.
I let each kidlet get a new pair of sneakers and a first day of school shirt.  I also let Jayna get a pair of dress shoes.  Since the kids wear uniforms, they still have plenty from last year and Jayna gets some hand me downs from Anthony.

Jayna has suddenly decided she no longer loves pink, thus picking out a blue-ish shirt and mostly blue sneakers.  Anthony wanted a lime green shirt but they didn't have it in his size, so he settled for this green-blue one.
School began Tuesday August 19th.  Since my crossing guard school didn't start back until the 25th I was able to take them and pick them up for the first 4 days.
Anthony decided (for the day at least) that he wants to be a teacher--- since I told him "Gamer" wasn't realistic enough, pick something else.
Jayna has decided she'll be a scientist... not sure where or when she came up with this but it's unique so good!  I like original ideas.
All ready for school
Anthony was bummed his mother obviously slacked enormously and hadn't read the hand book in over a year- and even then I guess I didn't fully follow it.  He was very upset he was in dress code violation.  He doesn't take well to being in any amount of "trouble" anyways.   He gets offended when a life guard blows a whistle so I'm not shocked.  But... he isn't allowed to wear a while belt, only black brown or blue he told me after school.  And it can't have any design or logo so the nike slash is against the law of dress code.  Please don't look at their shoes-- they also have logos... yes I think it is a silly rule- very silly but, realistically I should have read the handbook and then my sweet boy wouldn't have had to be upset.
Jayna seemed content, just was adjusting to a stricter classroom and rules, as is to be expected.
Both kids were glad to be back with their friends.
Cross Country started the next day.  Even with plenty of hiking and swimming Mr. Doss clearly wore the kids out.
Very tired kids after day 1 of cross country

Jayna wanted to edit this one with her new running shorts
Now, at the end of week 2 of cross country, both kids are enjoying it.  I forced Jayna to do it this year after her not liking it much last year.  So, it is quite nice that she's liking it more this year.  Anthony not to my surprise enjoys any active sport.

The kids had their first casual day and I missed the picture, darn!  As expected Jayna dressed to the t-- army pants and matching shirt and jacket- even if it was 90 degrees outside.  Anthony on the other hand grabbed the first two things in his laundry basket and could have cared less if they matched even.  One more cute Jayna picture for this blog of the girly dressing up her school uniform.  It too is probably against the rule book, but no one said anything.

Yes I realize the same shirt is in this picture and she's worn it 3 times within 9 days but I promise I've washed it after each wear and she does have 20 other shirts she could be wearing, but she keeps choosing this one.

1 comment:

  1. Busy Beth, don't be too hard on yourself for the small first day dress code challenges of your kids; they always look clean, wholesome, and, more importantly, have clean hearts it appears :)
