Sunday, May 25, 2014

Camping, Our 1st Time

On Saturday May 3, we had our first camping experience, and it was with Adventure Club!  We got there about 4 and started by setting up our tent.  I had Diamond with us along with my two of course.  We got it set up ad arranged pretty quick. 

All but one of the tents
Then the kidlets got to play for a while before anything organized began.  Most the boys were playing some soccer/kickball game, and the others were split between hide and seek and nature walk.

I spy Jayna

Our camping theme topic was Cooperation.  Our first game was in a team to mummify the leader.  They had to come up with a method to do it by taking turns and not ripping the toilet paper, covering the leader head to toe.
Team one mummified Mrs. Melanie
Team two mummified Ms. Courtney
We took a small nature hike together.  Then it was supper time.  Cameron's dad helped us light our fire. 
I learned how to use a camping stove to make (heat) mac n cheese.  We had chips and hotdogs and watermelon and a pasta-like salad that I don't know the "official" name of.  The kids got to roast their own hotdogs cooperating with one another taking turns with the roasting sticks.
After we ate, we played a round of bible story charades.  Team one acted out this story:
The girls represent the army marching... the boys represent the city walls

Can you guess what story it was?
Team two acted out this story:
the boys are hammering... the girls are pointing, laughing and making fun
Can you guess what story this was?
Then we had a time of praise and worship and heard our bible story.  Afterwards, it was another hit with roasting marshmellows and making smores!!

Then it was time for probably the most poplar activity of the night, a game of Sardines!  It is basically hide and seek, in the pitch darkness, using flashlights.  There are 2 person teams.  One team of 2 hides.  The rest are all finders.  Whenever they find the hiders they silently join them.  The last 2 to find the hiders get to be the next group to hide.
By the time we finished playing sardines it was after 11.  Then we all got cleaned up and ready for bed.  Initially we all planned on sleeping in our tent, which was indeed the smallest most basic tent there, but it works for us!  However Ant got invited to sleep with his buddies in the big tent so of course he did!
It was flippin' cold to me!  That made it quite interesting sleeping conditions.  Note to self is invest in sleeping bags before next year!... and bring extra blankets too.  We were fne without any mattress/pad stuff but being cold isn't for me.  We got up just before 8.  Breakfast was a variety of cereals and fruit.

Afterwards it was free play/free explore and packing up.  We all had a great time!  And already we are looking forward to next year!

1 comment:

  1. Camping is one neat youth experience, and am so happy to see how lovingly you share with your children :)
