Monday, October 9, 2017

Desmond T. Doss Memorial Run

Oct 8th finally came which meant the long  awaited 1st annual Desmond T. Doss Memorial Run was here at last!  This race was of great significance.  It would honor one of our nation's most deserving heroes- our school's name sake, It would help support local veterans and the school, Mr. Doss Jr would be coming to town to town along with our Mayor to start off the opening ceremonies.

My afternoon began with a really healthy lunch at Wendy's (well at least mine was kinda healthy- baked tater w/ sour cream and a small sweet tea) where we met up with my niece and her parents. After a quick lunch we grabbed Jayna from Poppy and Grandma's house and headed down town to get our race packet (aka bag of goodies, a race shirt and you "bib" number for the non race people reading)

This "race" truly was meant for every one.  There was the 1/2 marathon for the crazy fit, the 10k for the crazy good runners, the kids k for well you know, the krazy kids and the 5k for both the average crazy runner and for the crazy determined regardless of fitness level, walk of life, or reason to go 3plus miles no matter at what speed.  I signed Jayla up for the kid k because Anthony and Jayna have enjoyed the kids runs they've done at bopth Elon Elementary and Jingle Bell Run plus I had enjoyed kids ks about 25 years ago myself.

old school photo of My kids K

Opening Ceremonies began at 1pm.  Mayor Joan Foster led the beginning ceremony, followed by the presentation of arms and 29th Infantry Division Band playing the National Anthem. 

Then Mr. Billy introduced Desmond T. Doss Jr who joined us traveling all the way from Washington State.  It was the first time Mr. Doss was publically  reading of the Medal of Honor Citation presented to Desmond Doss by President Truman on October 12, 1945.  It was moving.  His voice would crack and he would pause to keep from crying as he read the terrors his father faced as he was determined to serve tis country and not bare arms at any cost.  He became one of this Nation's greatest hero's as he saved soldier after soldier and prayed to God to please let him save one more.  He did pay a price becoming seriously injured but kept going.  At the end of the reading Mr. Doss Jr left us with one question. "What more can you do?" 
Mr. Billy welcoming Mr. Doss
Mr. Billy awarded Mr. Doss the 1st medal of the race!  In addition take special notice to the picture on stage left corner

 The school teachers literally covered every single detail when it came to this race.  It held high importance for so many!  One person who had been looking forward to walking the 5k, was unable although he was involved in the early stages of planning and Jayna remembers him being excited and telling them he would be doing it.  Unfortunately God needed him more, so Mr. Copper joined us in spirit and was visually there in the framed photo on stage in the left hand corner.  After Mr. Doss was finished Rev. James Coleman lead us in prayer

reading of the Medal of Honor Citation

 After Mr. Doss was finished Rev. James Coleman lead us in prayer.  Then everyone had a bit of time to enjoy the assortment of booths, displays and even inflatables prior to the kids race starting at 2:15.

Rev. Coleman, Mayor Foster, Mr. Doss, and Brent Epperson a Doss ancestor
at 2:15 The Kids race was ready to begin. J.J., one of the cross country kids lead the heard of youngsters. There two we had the super fast and ready kids and the I might die after 1 lap kids.  Everyone did finish, although not without some mandatory kiddo tears.
On your Mark

Get Set
After the kid race, we asked Mr. Doss if he would take a picture with my two Desmond T. Doss Kiddos. He obliged without hesitation all smiles!
At 3pm the Half Marathon began for our crazy fir friends.  That includes our very own Mrs. Kelly (3rd/4th grade teacher at DTD) and her running buddies
(who are gearing up for the D.C. marathon :-0 )

10 minutes later the 10k began (sorry no photo bc I was chatting with Juanda, Marquis and Richard)
and at 3:17 the 5k began
On your mark get set
No such thing as too fast or too slow. the Dedication is the same!
The serious to the casual and even a unicycler.

How the heck are these two all happy smiley now running for fun but one of them was in tears during her race-- really Jayla J?!  I guess you can walk with me next year

Diet Coke Family w/ friend
Everyone had their own reasonings to run/walk/participate.  Some truly did it just for the love of the sport.  Some did it as enlisted service members.  Some made a goal months ago to be healthy enough to participate whether running or walking and they too succeeded.  So many had a story.  Some of the youngsters didn't understand the magnitude of importance of this race, they were just excited to be in a race.  Some families made this a family affair. And what better way to have a Sunday family time day?  For one family in particular it was the end of their 1st week together and they got to participate together. What an exciting way to close the first week together!  As I previously mentioned, some used this race as training for a marathon upcoming.  The people at the race I have known the longest (my dad and kids excluded) are lovingly dubbed "The diet coke family" from my good ole Burger King days.  We met thru that drive thru 13 years almost ago now.  We were far more than customer/sales person as rung true of most my regular customers. And after Burger King and me separated, I still remained in contact with many customers also known as Burger King family.  5 years ago after my kids started at Desmond T. Doss Christian Academy, I got a private message from my Diet coke lady.  She was curious about this school and wanted more info, because she is cousins with Desmond T. Doss.  She's rooted on my kids at this school, collected box tops and would share her connection to the Doss family.  It was super cool this past year as Desmond got national recognition once more via the big screen after his story was made into film.  I would see her share things with her cousin Desmond Jr.  It was such a neat experience to get to learn so much more and feel so much more united to the school after this movie because really prior to it all I knew is he was a war hero who didn't carry a gun.  Which is easy to say, but sooooo much more to actually watch almost like being there and to finally see the massive lengths he went to to serve his country and his God.  So some participants in yesterdays walk/run were truly FAMILY honoring their cousin. 
Mrs. Jeannie's Teacher aid Mrs. Brittany got 1st place. Dad got 2nd.

And then there was one honorable mention.  I am not sure what their story is, whether they are school friends, or doing it for fun or whatever reason but Our oldest participant was a mere 95 years old and rode in her wheel chair while being pushed along the 5k!
The race was a total success. It seemed everyone had a good day. The opening ceremony was very moving and motivating too-- Desmond wanted to save one more, one more, one more.  What more can you do?

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