Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tea Party for 17 Please

 What a busy busy day we had on Monday (3/10)!  The typical morning routine and crossing guard, then Jayna and I headed to Charlottesville for her final Vision Therapy Trial Study appointment.  We met with both Dr Clark, Jayna's usual Dr and the two main researchers Sarah and Daisy.  Jayna went through her FIFTH full eye exam in less than a year (sixth if you include the freebie she had courtesy of the Lion's Club and Mr Fuller at school).
She caught me trying to take a picture and tried to block me haha

This is the 90 day follow up after her study began, and the end to it..  During this appointment, we learned Jayna HAS improved her eye muscles strength level by 50% and are hoping that in 6 month she will be w/i the normal range and no longer considered to have Convergence Insufficiency.  That would be awesome, but I won't expect it as that seems way to easy.  When we were meeting with Daisy and Sarah, they let Jayna play one round on the other game so she could choose which one she wanted the full copy of.  Jayna had the original game, we quickly learned and the new one is much more modern and more of what people who have played a video game since 1993  would expect.However, to get progress we are awaiting her new game/system to be mailed in April.  Her vision therapy one was only a "trial" where you play 100 times and then, that is that.  So we are already beyond it and awaiting the new more fun game.
Game she's been playing (and complaining about)... looks super exciting right?

Since the new one hasn't been released yet I can't post a picture, nor do I have one.  It is played on a computer with a Xbox controller and it is a car game.  So way more modern.  Anyhow we got out of the appointment just before 12, hit cook out for a milkshake and chicken nuggets for Jayna and drove quickly back to Lynchburg so Jayna could join her class in their field trip.

So, we got to the Ploughcroft Tea Room down town with a whole 2 minutes to spare!

The kids were very excited.  It was still during the restaurant's lunch time, but really the kids did very well for a short handed restaurant with only 1 waiter.  Although very efficient one person and one cook can only do so much when you get a group of 17--- although we had called a week in advance!

a big highlight: sugar cubes

cream for your English tea

Pastor Mike git the honor of hosting the girl's table  

Jayna's kids plate: PBJ, fruit and cheese, mom's plate of a chicken, mushroom pastry and salad

comfy by the fire

typical Ms. Jeannie: always has time for conversation with her kids 

All the kids got a tea, a kids meal and a scone.  Some of the kids weren't tea fans so they got apple juice or hot chocolate.  The adults got a meal of their choice, and paying ;-).  I got chicken curry.  Although good, was a tad bit spicy for my likings.  Every table had a real tea setting with unique cups, no two the same.  The kids liked the experience although near the end and the long wait for food they did understandable get restless.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Education Sabbath and More Saturday Fun

Even after 2 snow days and 1 delay during the week of Prayer activities at the kiddos' school, they still managed to pull off a great Sabbath Education service.
The kiddos had to be there at 10am to get in a final practice session.  As is typical of our weekends, we had extra kids.  Will and Alonza had spent Friday afternoon and evening, slept over so of course joined us for church.  Oh man the boys were so handsome and Jayna lovely for church.  I am bummed I was so rushed yesterday I missed a group shot.  The boys were all in khakis and button down dress shirts.  Although we attend church weekly, we have a very casual dress code so this was a rarity.  Alonza and Will went to Sunday school (ok I am sure it isn't called that) where they proudly brought home their yoyos and paper made (folded into) boats.  Alonza was also thrilled he got a prize for praying too!  I went to an adult class.  I was late, because I had no intentions of attending Sunday school and also obviously didn't know when it started.  I hate being late to anything.
At 11 the main service began.  We sand two or three songs with the kids leading worship: Give me that Old Time Religion, Here I am to Worship, and oh my I should remember the last... was it I love you Lord... yeah I'm not certain!  Anyhow all the kids sang that all together and did great!

courtesy of www.desmondtdoss.org

 Special music was by 4-5 of the girls.  4 of the boys played the part of ushers and passing the off
 ring plates.  Mr Doss, The principal (and 7th and 8th grade teacher) spoke about Desmond T Doss and their mission and his love for the school.  (He also shocked me last Thursday when I was volunteering at the school and asked if he could read my blog My small private school Love Story as part of the service.)  So after he spoke he basically said he could go on and on, but here was a perspective to a first year family here and read a majority of my blog while showing an awesome slide show from many years back to current of our school in action.  Then Kindergarten to 2nd grade sung two more songs, He's Got the Whole World in His Hands (the very educational version, complete with naming each continent and doing a brief activity of placing the continent at the correct spot while singing) and Kumbaya My Lord.

The Older kids put on a puppet show for "Childrens Moment" about spiritual hunger vs spiritual hunger.

Mr Billy, the assistant principal (and 5th and 6th grade teacher) asked for personal testimonies on Christian Education (basically)-- not necessarily from this school, though most included this school.  Then the kids sand Awesome God.  Mr. Doss gave the message based on a letter he read to his students several years ago.  Basically, it was about what he learned from his students and how he wants his children to carry on their biblical/moral standards.  It was awesome to hear his love for his students.  I am far from shocked.  You should see these teachers here.  They are extremely loving and personal towards each student.  After the service, the church family shared lunch with us all.

I had to rush off to a baby shower then for my former employee from 10 years ago and his lovely wife Ashley.  They had a great baby shower for baby Eden and were blessed with some amazing food, company and gifts!  Mom and Dad took the kids while I was there for a few hours and they got to spend time with Uncle Alden who was in town.  We have the unfortunate timing of  2 of his 3 visits happening during Sabbath weekends where the kids and I had full and overflowing schedules.

Favorite game: eating baby food--- your feeder is blind folded... first one done or who doesn't give up wins--- The Daddy won, but I can guarantee they didn't enjoy that snack :-)

Then I headed to mom and dad's where the kids were.  I took the boys home as Alonza was going to Fun Quest and we wanted a few hours as family without extras.  Dad and I took the kids to amazement square since it was discount day.  We were there for 2 hours having fun.  It confirmed what was already known, Dad is just a big kid!

Dad climbed up to enjoy the view
then he said he saw a bear in the binoculars so the other kids u on story 4 look out started searching haha
Dad listens to his favorite recording artist

Yes, Yes she is in a poodle skirt, in the spot light wearing a poodle skirt

yes they even need to wrestle in a children's museum but as you can see no one else was nearby so they were fine for a few minutes

Hey Ms. Jeannie....

Jayna's fav- the paint room

Dad playing hair dryer basketball... he did score :-)
Then it was time for Bounce Night, hosted by a mix between the kid's school and the adjoining church!  Bounce night went from 6:30-11 (or maybe 12, not sure).  It was basically open to anyone, w/o parents present from Kindy and up.  I picked up Joyce with her adventure clubbers  Tabi, Will, Diamond and this time Lexi too.  I started off at the little bounce house mostly for grades 2 and under.   But I was mostly supervising the big bounce house, and handed the little one off to Joyce.  Since I mostly was supervising I didn't get very many pictures, but we all still had a lot of fun.  We left at 10:30 so I could get to work by 11.

Jayna and Aspen racing

Jayna and her preferred Bounce buddy Brandon

Will and Anthony

The advantage of being shorter than typical age: Brandon was allowed in the younger kid bounce house w/ Jayna--- and they had plenty of time to jump and goof off since the wait line for it was often a line of zero

Anthony in action!

Just Dance on the Wii was a hit for most the kids

I worked all night as usual and got off at 8:30am.  Jayners stayed with me at work, which is her typical if she can' sleep over at Grandma and Poppy's.

 I again picked up Joyce and kids to take them to church and swooped by my house to get Ant.  After church, I dropped Joyce's gang off nd headed to the mom and dad's to get to visit with Uncle Alden over lunch before he had to leave.  Dad got called into a work emergency so I was put in charge of making the blueberry pancakes.  Yes that was a first--- 2nd for any type of pancakes 1st for blueberry.  Simple reasoning: there is no reason for me to make pancakes when I can't beat dad's pancakes so would be disappointed, so I don't make them!  They say don't mess with perfection and quite frankly if you've had dad's world famous Apple Pancakes you have experienced perfection :-D
Uncle A left about 3 so the kidlets and I headed home and I grabbed a nap after my 75 hour stretch without any sleep!