Saturday, September 28, 2013

Perfect Timing, But not my Time Frame

I am many things, patient is NOT one of them!  It got worse over the 10 plus years I worked fast food management.  Everything in life needs to occur in under 3 minutes.... I am being forced  to learn about timing... and not my own choice in timing.  Here are the examples in my past week alone, four of them.

The Buses

Last year by this point into the year, all the buses had come and dropped off by 8:40am (the time when school starts), and I would stay 5 more minutes (10 if I noticed late students walking/parking parents across the street.) to ensure all the walkers made it safely across the street.
This year however, buses are taking longer.  All the big buses are there by about 8:45.  But the handicap bus doesn't arrive until 8:55-9:00.  I am impatient and don't overly enjoy the idle time from when the walkers/last big bus comes between 8:40-8:45 and the slowness until 9.  I keep smiling, and waving, and play mind games to pass the time.  But on Friday (20th) at about 8:50 I noticed a man in his electronic wheel chair coming down the hill, on the sidewalk across the busy street, likely for the 9am city bus that stops on the corner.  Then I noticed he was falling, but couldn't tell if he needed help.  I stalled for about a minute (I shouldn't have but honestly I couldn't tell if he needed help or not) and darted across the street and a block up the road to the man who was obviously wheelchair bound and didn't have the muscle or ability to move himself back into his chair.  A regular neighborhood man waiting on the bus quickly joined me as well as a regular parent who was in the parking lot.  Between the three of us we got him back into his wheel chair and he was ok other than an obviously sore hand, although he wasn't complaining.  He had been holding his weight on his hands/wrists for that minute I stalled and 30 seconds it took to race to him.  He was so very thankful and kept thanking the three of us.  Had the handicap bus for the school come at 8:40am I wouldn't have seen the man in need of help and who knows how long it would have taken someone else to notice, since he wasn't on the main busy street, but on the side street.  Had it been earlier by much, the man at the bus stop wouldn't have been there to help me lift him.  It was not good he fell, but within perfect timing that is he was to fall the help he needed was within reach.  The wheelchair bound man and man who helped both made it onto the city bus, with just seconds to spare as well.  And Just as I finished helping the man my handicap bus came and I still stopped traffic so he could cross, although not quite as quickly as I normally would have.  I haven't complained (mentally, as I never verbally complained) about waiting those extra 15 minutes over the last week, and I doubt I will (ok until the cold of winter at least).  It's a new perspective.

The Ride

On Monday after a 3rd shift weekend, I was trying to grab a nap after crossing guard but before volunteering (9:30-11:15... when at 10:40  mom calls and says one of the teachers is sick and needs a ride home, she has no car and could I give her a ride to Amherst.  I annoyingly, agreed, got up through clothes in the dryer and went.  I get to school and am told I am taking her 25min away to Alta Vista area.  I was dreading catching the flu or something as well and she seemed ok-- no coughing/sneezing/excessive germ sharing.  Interestingly she had substituted for Ant's class the week before and she is engaged to the regular substitute for Jayna's class.  I am admittedly timid around new people, yet she was friendly and didn't make it too awkward.  30 mins later I made it to her house.  She offered money which I refused, because I think you should do what you are able without expecting something in return whenever you have been blessed with the resources to do so.  Again, totally not in my timing and initially done with a poor attitude, but in the end it is as rewarding to me as it was helpful to her.  I honestly do like to be helpful and a gift giver to my kids schools-- both at Sheffield and now at Doss.  Volunteering warms my heart really and feed my soul.

The Speech

Our weeks are full and everyday we have a sport and/or activity planned.  However, I got an email the end of last week about the Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center dinner/speaker fundraiser with Gianna Jessen as Guest speaker.  I totally wanted to go, although it is one of our 2 busiest nights (Cross country til 5:30, Football til 7:20- plus homework, supper, baths and bed at 9ish).  Impressively, NEITHER kid had homework!  How they managed that, I wouldn't know, but it certainly was the perfect night for it in our family.  It was a nice evening.  Our table was only 1/2 full and I didn't have to socialize much which is my preference. 

The Eyes

Finally, we made it to Thursday: a Big day we'd been waiting MONTHS for:  Jayna's eye specialist appointment in Charlottesville.  I picked the kidlets up from school at 11:30.  We hopped by the house for the ipad and then to pick Grandma up at 12.  Marko said to give us 2 hours to get there, but we made very good timing, and just killed time for 30 minutes. The waiting room, Quick!  For me that is a MUST, but obviously I have made exceptions but no return visits after waiting excessive lengths.  Jayna Had pictures of her eyes taken then we went to the exam room.  Dr Clark came in and was FRIENDLY.  That has been rare in my experience along this never ending process.  The last Dr seemed more annoyed we brought her in than helpful.  Perhaps she just had a large work load and needed to hurry along... but this was as polar opposite as possible.  Dr Clark only minimally talked to me, instead she did MUCH better, she talked TO JAYNA.  They are Jayna's eyes after all, so Dr Clark in detail to the level an 8 year old can grasp explained the eye using a eye model.  They took it apart explained some of the parts and their jobs.  She showed Jayna her eye pictures.  She then did her testing on Jayna without wasting my time re-testing unnecessary things.  We knew medically her eyes are healthy from two previous eye doctors so that wasn't needed- no eye dilating, or eye health exam.  What we wanted to know was eye muscle workage not eye health (20/20 or lack there of). She did multiple tests, she would "cheer" Jayna along telling her how well she was doing and how she would do xyz so well etc.  This kept her from getting nervous and second guessing herself.  Obviously this doctor really is a pediatric specialist!  So in the end she verbally gave us the results in a "non-offensive manner".  She said both Dr Ganser and Dr Culp are right, and I can see why they said what they did, with their different opinions.  Dr Ganser was looking at it merely from a surgical stance.  No Jayna doesn't need surgery.  Dr Culp however was correct and she does have Convergence Insufficiency.  Jayna's eye muscle ability is similar to that of a 6-6.5 year old and Jayna is 8.5.  Viewing things from a distance, she can do.  Anything close that she needs to focus she is having extreme difficulty.  Dr. Clark's   CI  scale goes from 1-11, 4 or higher is CI . Jayna is an 8.  We learned that CI is hereditary.  So Dr Clark also did one quick test on myself, Anthony and mom.  I am a 2, Anthony is a 6, mom a 7.  So technically according to this quickie test all three have CI.  But Jayna's testing is much more in depth, multiple tests done multiple ways etc.  So Mine, Mom's and Anthony's could have been a bad reading.  Dr Clark continued with saying Jayna should wear her glasses all day in the classroom, doing any type of reading or homework.  She said the prescription they gave Jayna is very similar to what she would have written.  We don't need to get her the new rx glasses, but when we get her a new pair we should use this rx.  The news got better.  Dr. Clark owns her own Vision Therapy Company.  She also works closely with UVA.   There is a brand new trial study about to begin for children with CI and she said Jayna is a perfect candidate.  This study was suppose to begin in June but got delayed to next month!  We are now working to get Jayna in it.  Dr Clark is over-seeing this study.  Not only is it free therapy and free visits with Dr Clark once a month, but we get some compensation and Jayna gets a free CI therapy video game.  It lasts 12 weeks after the initial eye testing (all of which Jayna had done, but will have re-done if (when) Jayna gets accepted into the study.  Had we gotten an appointment sooner, this wouldn't have been offered to us.  Had we not have gotten a wrong 2nd opinion we never would have met Dr Clark to begin with.  Had we not met Dr Clark we wouldn't have been alerted to Anthony's potential vision issue.  He now has an appointment scheduled for 9:30am next Friday with Dr Culp, the first Dr who diagnosed Jayna.  This could also have been the cause of Anthony's learning difficulties if he does in fact have it. Many people with it can learn to compensate in time for the CI if a lower level of it is present.  Mom's could be caused by the MS, as she said it was some what common. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Run Kiddos Run

Both kids are in Cross Country at school.  Technically CC is for ages 5th-8th grades.  However any age is allowed to practice with them.  Jayna is the youngest member.  They have meets against ther private schools and some small public ones.  The kids usually practice 2 hours a day after school 4 days a week.
Notice in the first two pictures, Jayna happily wins her race against a team mate.  In the third picture, Anthony also wins!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Adventure-Rific- Weeks 1 and 2

The kids joined Adventurer Club through the church affiliated with their school.  They meet every other Thursday night from 6-7:30(ish).  It is similar to a girls/boys scout for both genders and with a Christian foundation. 
On week one, Anthony couldn't attend because of the previous Monday holiday threw his Football schedule off a pinch to Thursday practice.  But, we invited Will and Diamond to join in and they did.  We got our uniform shirt, learned the pledge and law and song.
Adventurer Pledge
Because Jesus loves me, I will always do my best.
Adventurer Law
Jesus can help me to:
  • Be obedient
  • Be pure
  • Be true
  • Be kind
  • Be respectful
  • Be attentive
  • Be helpful
  • Be cheerful
  • Be thoughtful
  • Be reverent 
Then we were told our "age group" 1st and 2nd graders are Busy Bees and 3rd and 4th are Builders.  After introductions, we got to start our Lizard award patch.  We painted our own lizards:
Amiah and Jayna

After painting the kids had snack time and then we went outside to play a get to know you ball game.

Week 2 we got to meet some new friends.... of a different type to complete our Lizard Patch award.

Adventurer Cameron brought in his pet bearded dragon, Camo.  We got to watch Camo enjoy his supper:12 crickets.

 Next, our guest Mary Beth introducd her to her reptile friends.  First we met Barnobus and Poppit. 

Poppit, the female
Barnobus, the male

Next, we got to meet Pebbles the fat tailed Gecko

 We couldn't touch the next critter, Jabba the Pacman Frog.  His respiratory system is very much through his skin so it can give him breathing issues to be handled much.  In addition, he is the only breed of frog with teeth, so it could potentially be a safety issue as well.

We could touch the next guy, Chubbs the Asian Painted Frog.  He looked stone like to most the kids.

Lastly we got to meet Dee and Dexter, Boa Sand Snakes. 

Tucker showed us a lizard tail he had from trying to catch a lizard, too funny

After we met the reptile pets, we had snack time.  Then Anthony got to paint his lizard since he missed it from the week before.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What A Change and What a Schedule

Well, my lack of blog writing correlates nearly perfectly with hectic scheduling and stress. Last week was the worst mix of the two.  It is common knowledge I hate big decisions, change, the unknown.
For example, Marko and I had discussed me fleeing Burger King for well over a year before I even kind of considered it.  And even when I did do it and I did resign as RGM it didn't happen happily.  It was followed by tears and worry and wouldn't have happened had the DM not made some morally poor choices in my opinion.  Having made that decision myself to leave and having given notice willingly and knowing finances and all would be ok money wise really didn't make it any easier at all.  I hate change!
So on Friday August 30th when the principal offered us the most generous and loving of gifts at Desmond T Doss (aka "Jayna's School" and from now on in most posts as DTD) my soul was in turmoil.  He offered us a tuition free scholarship for Anthony to attend.  All we would have to come up with was a $330 registration fee.  (also no easy feat but Thank Goodness for a Credit Card with a nice high limit and zero interest for 18 months and an upcoming tax return... We always claim 0 dependants on all our W2s for situations very similar to this... unexpected needs (usually means paying off an oil bill)... and lets be honest... splurges of wants...
Anyhow I was excited yet, not too excited because I didn't want to force this on Anthony.  I wanted Anthony to choose and be ok with whatever he did pick.  I am not a parent who hates public education or finds private education to be oh so much better.  My life story is the perfect example of private education failing someone.  I CAN guarantee you is a certain larger private school made this offer I would easily say no thanks.  But ion the 3 weeks at that point I had known about DTD I had been impressed, not just by words but by action and reactions.  Jayna was in love with her new school, teacher, environment.  The transition to her was practically no transition at all.  She is my chatty one though and can literally adjust to anyone anywhere happily.  So I also didn't want to make this decision based on her needs, wants or personality as Anthony is different.  He's more shy and reserved and no speed demon in adjusting to new people.  In addition to all of that, I had promised myself I would never change my kid's schools.  I would never put them through the school hopping that became a normal part of my childhood.  Once they started a school they would finish it.
Anyhow, on Friday afternoon we told Anthony and he was so torn.  He said "why couldn't they have let me gone sooner".  He had enjoyed his 1st week at Sheffield and really was liking his teacher.  For that I don't blame him.  I do a ton of volunteer work at Sheffield over the past 2 years especially and Mrs. Mattocks was easily one of my top 3 teachers there.  She was extremely friendly, warm and welcoming in addition to so kind hearted and sweet and mellow from what I have observed.  She loves her job and her students.  After turm oil back and forth see-sawing what he wanted/what Marko wanted he agreed to try one week.
On Tuesday, he went and seemed to like it, with his highlight being multiple recess times.  His biggest down fall is he had earned a homework pass from Mrs. Mattocks he so desperately wanted to use.  Wednesday morning he came down stairs dressed- TO ATTEND SHEFFIELD... A Sheffield tiger shirt was on and he was ready to go.  Daddy denied his pleas and he sadly went to day 2 of DTD.  He again had a good day and liked it.  He also didn't have homework which to him was fabulous and almost like a homework pass.  He agreed to stay until December.  This Momma knows though that December will become June and the cycle will continue on.
He hasn't had any complaints or any serious issues other than not quite as quick in completing some assignments and they became homework.  But that has only happened twice in 7 days.  He is content and eager to get involved in cross country club.

The CRAZY Schedule that I never anticipated:
Each kid has always been allowed one activity at a time.  However, I didn't want either child to get swallowed up in the new school scariness so I have allowed them to do activities at the school to make new friends and get involved and a new found love for their new school.  The schedule is usually like this:

Mom drops kids off at G'ma's 7:50am, Crossing guard 8-9, G'ma takes kids to school 8:15, mom volunteers for lunch and recess at school from 11:30-12:45, mom does crossing guard round 2 from 3-4, Kid's finish school at 3:30 and then do cross country 3:30-5:30, Anthony has football at 5:45 at our church until 7:30 by the time he has snack and you can coralle everyone to the van, rushed homework, supper, showers, bedtime as close to 9pm as possible

Mom drops kids off at G'ma's 7:50am, Crossing guard 8-9, G'ma takes kids to school 8:15, mom volunteers for lunch and recess at school from 11:30-12:45, mom does crossing guard round 2 from 3-4, Kid's finish school at 3:30 and then do cross country 3:30-5:30, Anthony has football at 5:45 at our church until 7:30 by the time he has snack and you can coralle everyone to the van, rushed homework, chore, supper, showers, bedtime as close to 9pm as possible

Mom drops kids off at G'ma's 7:50am, Crossing guard 8-9, G'ma takes kids to school 8:15, mom volunteers for lunch and recess at school from 11:30-12:45, mom does crossing guard round 2 from 3-4, Kid's finish school at 3:30 and then do cross country 3:30-5:30, homework, chore, supper, showers, bedtime as close to 9pm as possible

Possibly we will add in a church group, but for now I am at my limit

Mom drops kids off at G'ma's 7:50am, Crossing guard 8-9, G'ma takes kids to school 8:15, mom volunteers for lunch and recess at school from 11:30-12:45, mom does crossing guard round 2 from 3-4, Kid's finish school at 3:30 and then do cross country 3:30-5:30,

Some Thursdays- Anthony has football at 5:45 at our church until 7:30 by the time he has snack and you can coralle everyone to the van

The 1st and 3rd Thurs both kids have Adventure Club at DTD 6-7:30pm
rushed homework, chore, supper, showers, bedtime as close to 9pm as possible

The first Thurs each month and occasionally more often- I work 11pm-7am... at 7am I rush home to get kids ready for school

 Mom drops kids off at G'ma's 7:50am, Crossing guard 8-9, G'ma takes kids to school 8:15, , Mom volunteers at Sheffield from 9-11, mom volunteers for lunch and recess at school from 11:30-12:45, sometimes more volunteering at Sheffield depending if I got everything finished or not, Kid's get out of school at 2pm- mom picks them up and takes them to Grandma's, mom does crossing guard round 2 from 3-4 and picks up kids afterwards, from 5-10 I get to watch the most sweet little guy ever, Tristan, pick up Tristan's mommy from work at 10pm and take her home, work 3rd shift from 11pm-8:30am

Get off of 3rd shift about 8:30am, Soccer at 11am-- pick up Joyce and her kids for soccer and then I coach it, Soccer ends at 12:30 and I help clean up then take Joyce's group to their home, and I go home to nap for a few hours, nothing else is typically planned but we often do something in the early evenings and often the kids sleep over with Grandma and Poppy, I work 3rd shift 11pm-8:30am

Get off of 3rd around 8:30am, pick Joyce's gang up for church at 8:50
Occassionally when the kids aren't sleeping and Grandma and Poppy's I have to rush home get them ready in 10 mins or less and be to Joyce's by 9
Hopefully have time to run through Hardee's drive thru to grab myself a sweet tea no ice and plain biscuit with 3 strawberry jellies to keep me awake and fed....
Get to church and hopefully all 5-8kids into their 5-8 different classes by 9:15
every other Sunday I work in kid's ministry and every other Sunday I go to our Sunday School class, Big Service, reclaim all kids, take Joyce's gang home, fix lunch, sometimes we have other obligations, if not-- I crash for a few hours

Repeat, Repeat Repeat!--- and somehow we are all wearing clean clothes, have food, and dishes are washed.... and don't bother asking if the house is clean.... maybe in June~

In December cross country will be exchanged with Gymnastics and Football/Soccer will become basketball